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Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Anna Z

Beautiful collection. I love that bookcase where you have them all displayed too.


Oooh I envy your collection!I only have two...You leave for Japan?I double envy you...!


Haha I leave next week. I get butterflies in my stomach everytime I think about it :P


Oh thanks Anna :)


my god that is a lot of cameras. You lucky girl. Can't wait to see the pictures from the 103.

Alexandra Wallace

Love these! Also wondering, what font did you use on the descriptions in your photos? :)


No no, it's not just because you love photography - I'd totally display some cute and vintage cameras in my home, too if I ever found any. Yours serve as a hobby for you AND furniture! How cool is that?!
Speaking of cameras, I want to apologize for the crappy quality in pictures I emailed you for my post. I didn't have the best picture taking resources when those photos were taken. :/

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Woow, such a beautiful collection! I think the pink Holga and the Polaroid are my favorites! And you leave for Japan?? Ah, wish I could come with you. Have fun there and make LOADS of photos ! :)


:) Ha thanks!


Didot in italics :)


Haha Roni, I don't care about quality of pictures :P Silly! It's the person or thing that's photographed that matters!!!


Well thanks for that…..


I definitely will. I am going to come back with a million pictures -_-


damn girl, you have a lot of cameras! I have three and I think that's a lot. It's not surprising though - I'm envious of your photography skills


Haha oh thank you!

Action Sports Camera

You sure do have a beautiful collection, these type of cameras brings back the good old days wherein we used to use films on our camera if only I took good care of our old camera.

Mining Recruitment

Thank you for sharing these such gorgeous cameras! and it looks like your collection is growing! keep it up!


I looovve seeing other people's camera collections! Mine is still small, but I'm so looking forward to adding to it in the future! And they add such personality to a room when used as decorations! Thanks for sharing!


Thank you Violet for sharing us what you love. You have nice collection of cameras. No wonder you are able to put into pictures every thing that interests you and the readers. By the way, if you need a new camera or you want to see the new models, follow the link for best camera deals. - http://rewards.bestforfilm.com/store/electricals/cameras-and-photography/

Maternity Photography Sydney

Wow! those are some interesting camera. I love your collection.

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