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Saturday, February 04, 2012



Violet! I love your new girl!
Have you named her yet?
I love the chair!!! So jealous!
Can't wait to see your office!
Happy weekend!!


Haha yeah, her name is Antoinette :P

Psycho Cat

She is so cute, and her hair <3


Beautiful! I have just one Blythe left from a collection of 6. She is in awful condition but I can't bear to part with her, she was my first & always favourite! I think when I can afford it I will send her away for a really good makeover!


Thanks everyone! :)


What a cool doll! I love that old chair, it makes for the perfect photo-shoot!


I find these dolls so intriguing. I have only ever seen them on a few blogs, to include one being Allison's. What a neat thing to collect!


Thank you ladies :D


She is gorgeous! I love her hair :] And that doll chair is too cute for words.


Thanks Allison! :)


I love that you collect Blythes! The first photo is perfect. I've gone through 5 different girls, and sadly they're all gone. I could kick myself for getting rid of my Sally Rice! Here's a photo I took of her — http://www.flickr.com/photos/cry5tal/4581293295/in/set-72157602051121664

I just stumbled on your blog tonight, and yours really shines through from the gazillion blogs that are out there. I'm bookmarking you! I used to have a blog before people knew what blogs were.. I'm in the process of starting up another one, but I'm really picky about the design.. Unfortunately I suck at designing.

Sorry for writing you a novel!


Thank you so much!!! Wow, your MSR was GORGEOUS! She was ALWAYS my dream girl. I still want her more than any other doll :) Make sure you tell me when your blog is up! I'd love to check it out!

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