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Friday, January 06, 2012



I like the new layout! I'm always in favor of more a simplified scheme. I hope to figure out enough about HTML to change my layout, too. I sort of hate mine right now, haha.
Again, good work! :)

Anna Z

Yay! It looks great Violet. I love the header and the link bar. The cameras are so cute.

Steven Andrew

I love the new layout! I am in the process of doing my own and I'm so glad you did the little link bar at the top with hover images, I'm trying that out and it's hard. :\
Looks SO good!


I found an online generator that gives you the code. You just input the image urls and it worked just fine the first time. It took me a little while to create the images, but once that was done, it wasn't too hard! :)


I love your new layout!
I wanted to make a new layout but I got too lazy :/


Jane- Thank you so much!!!


I love your new lay-out, it looks superduper awesome! :-)



Aww thank you Marlous!

{ Dust & Swallow }

I love the new look of your blog! Really lovely!


Thank you so much! I like it too. I'm pretty content with it :)

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